Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is Communication?

Our social, political, economic, religion, technological and other aspects call for maintenance or proper communication, otherwise people will become lifeless. Sometimes communication happens silently or without our formal concern. Faithful communication helps to reach our destination.
   Communication is derived from the Latin word ‘Communis’ which means common. So, communication means commonness with other persons, This communication is the bridge through which to exchange of ideas, thoughts, facts, opinion, emotion and information between two or more people is done to create mutual understanding and confidence.  
A Communication occurs when there are three things or aspects:
1. Sender or Communicator
2. Channel or media
3. Receiver or Communicatee. 
from the above discussion we can say, communication is the way or task to exchange or transmit any data, information, message, opinion, idea, facts to create a meaningful picture among the persons involved in any situation, activities, or environment.

Business Communication

Business communication is nothing new but something special because it is a specialized branch of general communication. the process of expressing any type of notice, instruction, request, recommendation, perception and the liking to a person or a number of person within the organization or outside the organization, with view to inform them of any business data, decision, instructions, objectives etc. and expecting feedback from the receivers to secure action by the receiver. that means business communication is a link that allows to function as a system.

Importance of Communication in Modern Business

Business communication acts as a ‘life-blood’ to the modern business word. The importance of communication in modern business may be stated as follows:
  1. Basis of effective leadership
  2. Basis of the movement of ideas and information.
  3. Provision for decision making.
  4. Smooth and efficient function.
  5. Delegation or authority and responsibilities.
  6. Increase in managerial competence.
  7. Minimization of cost and time.
  8. Basis of information.
  9. Fulfillment of organizational objects.
  10. Efficient Human Resource management.
  11. Creation of employee motivation and moral.
  12. Establishment of public relation.

Objectives of Business Communication

Communication is the central point to operate all business activities and all managerial activities are communication- centric.
1.      Achievement of goals
2.      Exchange of information.
3.      Enhancement of employee skill.
4.      Formulation and execution of plane.
5.      Direction to the subordinate.
6.      Facilitating joint effort.
7.      Motivating employee.
8.      Increasing job satisfaction.
9.      Maintaining effective labor relation.
10. Maintaining co-operation and co-ordination.
11. Makings the employees aware of changes.
12.   Investigation and marketing research.
13. Advertisement and circulation.
14. Development and Implementation of internal control structure
Connection with stockholders

Management and communication

Communication and management are interrelated. Without communication management is impossible and therefore communication is considered as the lifeblood of management. Management means planning, organizing, directing, motivating and controlling. To do such functions, managers must maintain active and effective communication. All managerial function as well as the function of an executive cannot be possible if there is no communication.

Communication Environment

Communication environment’ involves two words, communication and environment communication means exchange of ideas news, views messages information or emotions between two or more persons; whereas environment means all elements that surround us. So, communication environment means exchange of ideas, news, views, messages, information or emotion, due to influence of various elements that’s encompass us. The environment may be formal or informal; it may be business or non-business entity. Any sort of environment may force for communication to happen.

Types of Communication

Different types of communication systems are found in different kinds of organization. The types of communication differ from organization to organization depending upon the nature of information to be communicated and the purpose of communication. Communication mainly takes the form of – a. Formal communication b. Informal communication. Many communication scholars view the types of communication basing on the direction or flow of the message only and as such they classify communication to be vertical, horizontal or diagonal

Formal Communication.

The communication which follows established system, rules, regulation, procedures or any other prescription ways and means are known as formal communication. Such communication is also known as official communication because it follows the official rules systems established for communication. It is the communication made in a planned way both with the insider as well as with the outsiders to achieve any specific goal.

Informal communication

Communication which does not follows any official or prescribed rules procedure is called informal communication. It follows no set of rules nor obedient to the organization’s hierarchy. Rather it takes place outside the chain of command. Such communication occurs in the from of gossip, face to face conversation, telephone calls, e-mail that do not follows the chain of command.

Vertical Communication

A communication that exists between superior and subordinate can be termed as vertical communication. When the communication flows from upward to downward. Vertical communication uses both oral and written method to fulfill the objective of communication.

Horizontal Communication

Communication between department or people on the same level in the managerial hierarchy of an organization cab be defined as horizontal communication.

Diagonal Communication

Diagonal communication flour from a particular level of an organization to any level or from a group to another group or group beyond the immediate next one. So, information flowing neither vertical nor horizontally but in a zigzag way is called diagonal communication.

Crosswise Communication

Crosswise Communication has the horizontal flow of information with people on the different levels that have no direct reporting relationship. Gross relationship exists between personal in one division and personnel of equal, lower or superior status in other divisions. This type of communication is used to speed information flow, to improve understanding and to co-ordinate efforts for the achievement of organizational objectives. 

Mass Communication

The term ‘Mass’ means large or huge people. When communication occurs between large people it is defined as mass communication. But such communication is not all. Actually mass communication is a process through which a message is widely circulated among the persons who are far and away from the source. For mass communication, a large number of audiences, some intermediary channels and vast boundaries of space are required. Mass communication is a process of communicating with general people quickly at a time through the use of various channels like radio, television or newspapers etc.

Verbal Communication

A communication using oral or written methods know to be verbal communication or verbal communication is a method that uses that uses oral and written express face to face communication conversation, meeting, interview etc. are the method used under oral communication. Whereas letter, memos, report, internet, telex, fax, telegram and other are used for written communication Both oral and written communication methods can be used jointly or uniquely to create verbal communication.

Non-Verbal communication

Non-Verbal communication is a non-word communication. It clearly defines that such communication is neither written nor oral but uses some series of symbols or way to communicate message. One may think that verbal communication and non-verbal communication happen separately and independently.  It is wrong because both the type of communication are complimentary to each other.

Oral Communication

Oral communication is the process of communication which is sent by the sender through the word of mouth. It takes the from of speech and listening. It consists of words arrange in meaningful pattern. Such communication takes place across the table through discussion, telephone, meeting, conferences.

Face to Face Communication

Face to face communication may, at the first through, appear to be identical with the oral communication. However, it is possible to visualize certain situation in which the two get distinguished. Telephone conversation is oral but we cannot call it face-to-face communication

Written Communication

A message communicative in a written from is known as written communication. Obviously it is word based communication and is made interms of written and generally used when the audience is at a distance and when there is a need of record. Such communication is activated interms of letter, notice, memos, notice, memos, reports, minutes, internet, telegram etc.

Visual Communication

Facial expressions, gestures, printed picture, posters, slides, film etc. fall under visual communication. When written communication fails, we can take the help of visual communication to communicate with persons. visual communication generally communicate elementary and simple ideas. it can be effectively used only in combination with other media.   

Audile Communication

When communication is done using Sound only ,it is called audile communication. There are verities of sounds around us that are used to communicate any message, information, mews, ideas or facts. There are common techniques for audio-visual communication. Which are uses of voice, siren, calling bell, ringing bell

Internal Communication

Communication occurring within the same organization structure is called internal communication. this communication takes place between or among the employees and officers of the same organization. in this sense, if an employee of a head office exchange views with an employee of its branch office located at different places, if falls within the category of internal communication. 

External Communication

Each business is required to maintain a link with external organizations or people to create business that helps it to survive, grow and make profit. whenever an organization communicate with other business house, government office, bank, suppliers, customers, leaders, general people and the like, it constitutes external communication.